Educational Credit Transfer

Marwin Field University has an expansive scholarship budget for its prestigious International Scholarship Program. Our scholarship programs supports students belonging to different regions of the world. Our scholarship is not region, degree level or applicant’s type specific. Each and every student applying for admission in Marwin Field University can apply for our international scholarship program.

Importance of Credit Transfer

Educational credit transfer is very important as it does not only save the time required to repeat previously earned credit hours but also saves the money required for paying the fee for extra credit hours. Credit transfer can be a tricky process for international students. Our university provides easy credit transfer options to new students and provides them maximum assistance in getting their credits transferred smoothly.

Scholarship & Financial Aid Criteria

Earned Credits

Students can easily get their prior learning credits transferred to Marwin Field University.


Professionals belonging to certain fields can get extra credits for their professional achievements.

Work Experience

Working adults can earn credits for their work experience that helped them gain knowledge.

Learning Experience

Different learning experiences can also get you extra credits. E.g. attending workshops/seminars.

What Our Scholarship Grantees are Saying?

Marwin Field University’s scholarship program helped me complete my master’s degree program in business management. Now I am earning a lot more than I was before. Their scholarship program change my life completely.

Orlando MBA Graduate

I easily got my previously earned credits transferred to Marwin Field University’s bachelor’s degree program. I got a cut in my required number of credits and I completed my degree easily, saving money and time.

Gloria Law School Graduate