The applied arts provide deep understanding of the area of study. The students will explore their creativity with arts and crafts attractive for the audience. The arts and crafts industry has been accepted and grown on worldwide level. There are many creative artist that have explored their talent in the field of art and craft industry in the global world.

The artist can utilize their art in architecture, utensils and furniture’s. The different objects are designed and appeared in the formal form. The applied arts filed excel students in the filed as they have command over decorative materials. There is high career growth in the field of arts and craft. The arts and craft filed knowledge and practical understanding is worth able for students as they can explore their creativity in the area of interest.

Marwin Field University Offerings

Our online education system prepare students for professional skills as they can compete in with the international job market. The students have learning with doping experience that will be sufficient for their professional and career growth opportunities. Our degree, diploma and certificate program are useful for students as they will proof their efficiency and capability while working in the international cooperate world.

  • Visual Communication
  • Interior Design
  • Architecture

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