Our Global Employers Network

Marwin Field University is highly focused on providing equal opportunities to its potential students and graduates. Our vision is to make a smooth path for our graduates which lands them in multinational firms and organizations. Our University is partnered with top recruiters and recruitment agencies which provide career guidance and recruitment solutions to our students, graduates and Alumni.

What does career management system look like ?

We have an enhanced career management system allow our partner employers to:

  • Provide internship and job opportunities to students graduate and alumni’s.
  • To assess and overview the skills of experience candidates of the university
  • To build a network for students and alumni for initiating new career-related opportunities
  • Enable students and alumni to forward resume directly though the university career advisor
What does success looks like for employers?
  • Access to talented graduates with outrageous professional skills
  • Incessant professional development of graduates
  • Career oriented vison of graduates
What does success looks like to students and graduates?
  • University provides career oriented opportunities to students
  • Smooth access to pathways that leads to employment
  • Recruitment support from the institution support from the university after graduation